• І. В. Агєєва Tavria state agrotechnological university
Keywords: organization, corporate culture, organizational culture, value


Summary. In modern conditions, the efficiency of enterprises is determined by the level of development of their corporate culture. Each organization has its own special culture, a harmonious relationship between its employees, the ethics of personnel behavior, which determines its image and reputation. Therefore, in recent years in the scientific and business circles there has been a rapid growth of attention to the notion of "corporate culture". Corporate culture can play an important role in enhancing the level of engagement of employees, using intelligent technology and ensuring the welfare of workers. And this will lead the organization to positive changes. It is under these conditions that the cor-porate culture gets special attention.
Abroad this direction became relevant in the early 1980s. In Ukraine, the peak of interest in this issue is observed at present. The study of corporate culture faces certain difficulties. Due to the large number of interpretations of the con-cept, difficulties arise in determining the culture of the organization. In most cases, in practice, the phrase “organiza-tional” or “corporate” culture is used to describe the general atmosphere in the company, the values and mission of the organization, its characteristic management methods, and leadership styles.
Abroad this direction became relevant in the early 1980s. In Ukraine, the peak of interest in this issue is observed at present. The study of corporate culture faces certain difficulties. Due to the large number of interpretations of the concept, difficulties arise in determining the culture of the organization. In most cases, in practice, the phrase “organiza-tional” or “corporate” culture is used to describe the general atmosphere in the company, the values and mission of the organization, its characteristic management methods, and leadership styles.
In the literature, the concept of "corporate culture" and "organizational culture" in most cases are identical. This approach is based on the assumption that both cultural concepts are defined using the same terminology.
However, a number of scientists refute this approach. As a rule, in this context there are three main points:
Corporate and organizational cultures are distinct phenomena.
Corporate culture is part of organizational culture..
Organizational culture and corporate culture are independent phenomena that differ in the way they emerge and form. he conducted studies allow to draw conclusions that there are different interpretations of the concept of corporate culture and each of the theories is oriented by its founder towards certain goals.
Based on the differences in the definition of corporate culture, it seems that one should understand the system of material and spiritual values, myths and rituals adopted in a particular organization. It manifests itself in the interac-tion, behavior, perception of oneself and others and is formed purposefully within the framework of the adopted strate-gy of the organization.


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