• І. В. Застрожнікова Tavria state agrotechnological university
Keywords: agrarian producers, agrarian policy, agrarian sector of economy, administrative services, state regulation, electronic resources. e-government, e-government, the Internet, information systems, agriculture, agricultural production.


Abstract. Setting objectives. One of the most modern and promising forms of state regulation is e-government. Now e-governance is actively implemented in all sectors of the economy. At the moment, Ukraine needs a new agricultural policy that has a strategic and systemic character, social orientation, and consistent with the principles of sustainable development. The introduction of e-government in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy is an important task of public administration.
Research results. Many agricultural enterprises, in particular, family-owned farms, are located in remote villages with no Internet connection and do not have access to important elements of e-government in the agrarian sector. The main Internet resources are the official sites of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food and the Ukrainian Agrarian Exchange. Thanks to these resources, producers can form and apply for subsidies and compensation from the state, take part in electronic tenders. One of the priority directions of the state development of Ukraine is the introduction of an e-government.
Conclusions: The state policy on the agrarian sector of the economy should be based on equal access to information, free pricing with a combination of state regulation and strengthening of an-monopoly control over the prices of material and technical resources, energy and services consumed by agricultural producers. The funds of the state budget should be directed at creating new ones and developing and improving existing elements of e-governance. A portal for interacting with citizens of rural areas, taking into account the availability of high-speed Internet, providing interactive communication online, is obligatory for creation.


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