• Л. І. Редько Tavria state agrotechnological university
Keywords: management decisions, management, business environment, enterprises, logistics systems, organization's laws, outsourcing, in-sourcing, management decisions.


Abstract. The article examines the existing laws of the process of making managerial decisions on the example of the logistic system of the enterprise and objects of the logistic system, which successfully operate in the modern business environment. The attention is paid to the conditions of application of the said laws in process (business), organizational and managerial activity. The managerial decision is a deliberate choice (from among existing alternatives) about the need to take certain actions or refrain from them. These actions are related to the achievement of the goals of the organization and to overcome the problems of the business environment.
To understand the connection between the process of making managerial decisions and their impact on the efficiency of management at the level of enterprises of the logistics system in market conditions, the work of domestic and foreign scientists has been analyzed. This allowed to focus on the fact that there is a lack of an ordered complex of laws for decision-making on the management of enterprises and logistic management. That is why, in order to ensure the high performance of such enterprises, it is important to organize their activities in accordance with the specified laws. After all, it should ensure the productive activity of the team and high pri-budes by the results of work.
Laws and their implementation are not always a guarantee of a successful completion of the work process, but nevertheless they have a certain influential element, above all, in the work of the head, in his actions on staff, functional staff. This, in turn, will strengthen the competitive position of the company in the market, will reduce the risks, achieve a higher level of management of material and information flows.
By this time, the role of the influence of non-compliance with the laws of decision-making or their neglect by modern managers remains an urgent problem.


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