• К. М. Тиреуов Kazakh National Agrarian University
  • Т. И. Есполов Kazakh National Agrarian University
  • У, К. Керимова Kazakh National Agrarian University
  • М. А. Алексеева Kazakh National Agrarian University
Keywords: research, intensity, integration, consortium, infrastructure, motivated contingent, student.


Abstract. The article reveals the need for the creation of research universities for the purpose of intensive
integration into the agricultural research and production consortium, dynamic entry into the international scientific and educational space, infrastructure development, and the formation of a motivated student population.
The aim of the presented research is to search, attract and transfer new knowledge and technologies to the agricultural sector of the republic, which contributes to the development of close cooperation with leading universities and research centers of the world.
For the creation and development of applied and research units for the purpose of transformation of the Kazakh National Agrarian University into a National Research University, a large preparatory work was conducted on the basis of SWOT-analysis. The world experience of setting up research universities and research centers on the example of Texas and Stanford Universities, as well as the Manchester Metropolitan University, was studied. In order to integrate agrarian education, science, production, universities began to actively cooperate with farms through the Kazakh-American Extension Information Center, Farmers' Higher Schools, Agribusiness and Law. Training and research centers for students' practice have been established. The International Association “Agro-education” and the Small Academy are opened, which carry out a continuous system of agrarian education: school (lyceum) - college - university, thus providing the principle of “lifelong learning”.
As a result of the effective management, in a short period KazNAU concentrated its resources and became the nucleus of educational, scientific and innovative activity, accelerated development of the agrarian sector, which really affect the competitiveness of the country in this industry.


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