• А. С. Коноваленко Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Keywords: marketing, brand, branding, baby nutrition, trends, market, segment, brand management, consumer behavior, «pilot-autopilot» model, marketing effects.


Abstract. The appearance of a new product on the market can provoke both positive and negative perception. The articles defines the key trends in brand management practices for food manufacturers for school-age children. The position of food producers in the ratings of the most expensive brands in Ukraine is considered. The influence and importance of the emotional component of the brand on the consumer behavior is indicated.
The necessity of adhering to the brands of corporate social responsibility policy has been proved, since brand management is a tool for influencing consumer behavior and is shaping the values and perceptions of children and youth formed by the brand of behavior patterns in the market. The specific features of implementation of the "pilot-autopilot" model and the necessity to consider in the practice of brand-management key marketing effects, namely "framing effect" and "immediate receipt effect", are specified.
In the article branding is seen as an effective tool to ensure a long-term competitive position for producers, a factor for the sustainable development of companies, and a tool for influencing consumer behavior in the food market.
Given the specifics of the child's outlook as he or she becomes an individual, there is a risk of undue influence and pressure on the child's decision to purchase certain foods. In order to update the brand management policy of companies with regard to the modern business requirements and expectations of the society, there is a need to strengthen the corporate social responsibility policy by considering marketing effects such as "framing effect" and "immediacy effect" in the areas related to supply of food for school children.


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