• О. Д. Гудзинський Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Keywords: system, system potential, social responsibility, strategic priorities, efficiency, effective systems.


Abstract. The current state of socio-economic development of organizational formations is characterized by: incomplete use of existing potential opportunities; unbalanced solution of the problem of ecological, social, intellectual, economic direction in their organic unity and in systemic integrity; insufficiently high level of social responsibility; insufficiently developed system of effective management with a high level of value orientations, etc. In addition, new tasks are set of value-oriented, environmental, social, innovative, cultural, economic and other directions, which re-quire a new approach to the formation of effective management systems of socio-economic structures with a high level of social responsibility. The article is devoted to research of theoretical and methodological approaches to formation and development of the social responsibility of enterprise management as socio-economic systems. The peculiarities of forming of social responsibility potential for types of business development and behaviour are disclosed.
Reasonable: In a systematized variant the main building blocks of social responsibility, which in their systemic integrity are aimed at providing a synergistic effect; Criteria for assessing the level of formation and development of the potential of social responsibility of enterprise management as socio-economic systems.
In the context of our systematic approach to the allocation of elements of the methodology for assessing the potential of social responsibility, the emphasis was made on allocation of the main system-targeted orientation of the element Providing synergy effect – the development of population-oriented views as subjects of power and business structures, and the social community of regional, national and settlement directions. This is a fundamental basis for ensuring the synergetic effect of management of socio-economic systems from the formed potential of social responsibility.


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