• М. Р. Судомир
Keywords: Organization, economy, economy, competitiveness, enterprise.


Abstract. The article grounded the main scientific approaches to improvement of organizational-economic mechanism of growth of competitive resistance of agricultural enterprises, namely: basic basis of formation of preconditions; Methodological approach to the formation of a system for ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises on life cycles of their development; Basic principles of organizational and economic mechanism of growth of competitiveness of enterprises, which are the basis for development of methods of investigation of the existing potential of competitive resistance of enterprises and substantiation of main directions of its Strengthening in a competitive environment according to selected strategic zones of economic activity.
A reasonable scientific approach to the development of effective organizational and economic mechanisms to ensure the growth of competitiveness of enterprises. The basis of this approach we have the conceptual approaches to the formation of organizational and economic mechanisms for the growth of socio-economic systems and their competitive stability: principles; Types and types of growth; Matrix: SWOT-Analysis, Mk-Kincey, performance alternatives; Types of reaction and behavior of enterprises; Types and types of competitive stability; Types and types of growth, etc.
The main conceptual idea of competitive stability growth is the target focus of their meeting-oriented activities.
Special attention is paid to the use of a systematic approach in justifying competitive advantages in selected market segments and strategic zones of management. This approach is the basis for the justification of priorities in time and spatial dimensions, which are not unambiguous. They are a suitable basis for the formation of strategy portfolio as a basic basis for the effective functioning of enterprises in the zone of their sustainable development.


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