• С. А. Нестеренко Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Keywords: System, system approach, competitiveness, potential, competitive position, competitiveness, management.


Abstract. The article reveals the theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a system for ensuring the competitive development of enterprises. Competitive development of enterprises as objectively functioning main subjects of society and national economy can be carried out only in the conditions of the complex approach to formation of system preconditions of maintenance of effective functioning of the enterprises in time and space dimension. The system of preconditions is represented by a set of components that are systematized and formed by the following main blocks: a block of basic requirements (principles), which should be the basis for assessing the effectiveness of the chosen direction of enterprise development; block of types of behavior of enterprises in the directions of their development: growing, strategic, anti-crisis, innovative, social, sustainable, economic, socio-economic as a whole, competitive and others; block of development of subsystems of functionally providing direction: marketing, logistics, information, accounting and analytical, financial support, resource provision, etc.; block of value orientation and target settings; block of competitive potential; block of information, accounting and analytical support of management; a block of targeted and functionally supporting strategies; block of strengths and opportunities of weaknesses and threats, etc.


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