• О. І. Лисак Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
  • В. М. Тебенко Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
  • Л. О. Андрєєва Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Keywords: goods, promotion, dropshipping, supplier, buyer, delivery, electronic trading.


Abstract. Setting objectives. With the development of digital technologies, the endless possibilities of the World Wide Web are actively used in trade, marketing, promotion. Internet sales simplify and reduce the cost of finding the necessary product, expand the geography of sales, increase the range of potential consumers. At the same time, competition is growing, sellers are forced to find new effective means of promotion and innovative ways to sell goods.
The aim of the work is to study dropshipping as one of the effective ways of e-commerce, to determine its role in providing additional income to young people and to develop proposals to promote the development of this type of trade as a starting position in future business.
Results of the research. In e-commerce, dropshipping is a special type of retail trade in which goods are sold by an intermediary, but the sold products are shipped from the warehouse of the manufacturer or wholesaler directly to the final consumer. This method is extremely attractive for anyone who wants to start their own business without start-up capital, as well as theoretical knowledge and practical skills in trade and entrepreneurship.
Dropshipping provides good starting prospects that can be consolidated and improved through a detailed analysis of this type of business. The weakest positions are indicated in the field "Organization" and "Marketing". Accordingly, the main directions of development are: organization of the correct selection of suppliers and cooperation with them; improvement of marketing activities; diversification; increase in sales volumes. Conducting a SWOT analysis will allow a novice businessman to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this type of business, as well as opportunities and threats from the external environment.
Conclusions. Dropshipping is best suited for starting a business for young people and students because of the opportunity to start their own business without significant financial investment, the need for special knowledge and skills at first, the opportunity to continuously learn and improve their skills.


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