В статті досліджуються процеси забезпечення безпеки банківської безпеки на засадах метапростору FinTech-послуг. Представлено методичний підхід щодо забезпечення безпеки банківської системи за регуляторними стабілізаторами СЕП НБУ, які на засадах метапростору FinTech-послуг нівелюють загрози платіжних систем в банківському інформаційному просторі, стабілізують захист учасників та користувачів платіжного портфеля банківських установ від дезінформації та шахрайства. Запропоновано синергетичну модель безпеки СЕП НБУ, із врахування сек’юритизації платіжного портфеля банківських установ на фінансовому ринку для попередження загроз та забезпечення потреб учасників та користувачів в банківському обслуговуванні. Рекомендовано критерії рівня безпеки СЕП НБУ.
Abramova A. The risk system of commercial banks in conditions of digitalization. Problems and prospects of management economics. 2021. Vol. 4(28). P. 186-193.
Bahuguna A., Bisht R.K., Pande J. Country-level cybersecurity posture assessment: Study and analysis of practices. Information Security Journal. 2020. Vol. 29(5). P. 250-266.
Bakalynskyi O. Model and methods for determining the design characteristics of information security management systems. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348788054 (дата звернення: 07.11.2024).
Barr M.S., Harris A., Menand L., Xu W. Building the Payment System of the Future: How Central Banks Can Improve Payments to Enhance Financial Inclusion. Center on Finance, Law & Policy. 2020. Vol. 1-28. URL: https://financelawpolicy.umich.edu/sites/cflp/files/2021-07/cbotf-paper-3-future-payment-systems.pdf (дата звернення: 07.11.2024).
Blockchain success. URL: https://www.ibm.com/topics/blockchain (дата звернення: 07.11.2024).
Dadoukis A., Fiaschetti M., Fusi G. IT adoption and bank performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Economics Letters. 2021. Vol. 204.
Doran N.M., Bădîrcea R.M., Manta A.G. Digitization and financial performance of banking sectors facing Covid-19 challenges in central and eastern european countries. Electronics (switzerland). 2022. Vol. 11(21).
EIB issues its first ever digital bond on a public Blockchain. URL: https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/2021-141-european-investment-bank-eib-issues-its-first-ever-digital-bond-on-a-public-blockchain (дата звернення: 07.11.2024).
FAQs on a Digital Euro. URL: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/digital_euro/faqs/html/ecb.faq_digital_euro.en.html (дата звернення: 07.11.2024).
Global Blockchain in finance sector. URL: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3356502/global-blockchain-spending-to-hit-124b-by-2022-finance-sector-leads-growth.html (дата звернення: 07.11.2024).
Global Network of Financial Innovations. 2021. National Bank of Ukraine. URL: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-priyednavsya-do-globalnoyi-mereji-finansovih-innovatsiy (дата звернення: 10.11.2024).
Huo P., Wang L. Digital economy and business investment efficiency: Inhibiting or facilitating? Research in International Business and Finance. 2022. Vol. 63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101797
ISA/IEC 62443. URL: https://www.isa.org/standards-and-publications/isa-standards/search (дата звернення: 10.11.2024).
ISO/IEC 27001. URL: https://www.iso.org/isoiec-27001-information-security.html (дата звернення: 10.11.2024).
Is Bitcoin “Digital Gold”? The Value of Bitcoin. URL: https://www.moonpay.com/learn/bitcoin/bitcoin-digital-gold (дата звернення: 10.11.2024).
Javed A., Lakoju M., Burnap P., Rana O. Security analytics for real-time for ecasting of cyber attacks. Software-practice and experience. 2022. VOL. 52(3). P. 788-804.
Laitsou E., Kargas A., Varoutas D. Digital Competitiveness in the European Union Era: The Greek Case. Economies. 2020. Vol. 8(4).
Naderi E., Pazouki S., Asrari A. A remedial action scheme against false data injection cyber attack sin smart transmission systems: Application of thy ristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC). IEEE Transaction son Industrial Informatics. 2022. Vol. 18(4). P. 2297-2309.
Roshan Y.E., Abdi Y. ICT and Information Asymmetry. New Evidence of the Financial System in Selected MENA Countries. Iranian Economic Review. 2022. Vol. 26(2). P. 445-458.
Stanikzai A.Q., Shah M. A. Evaluation of cyber security threats in banking systems. Paper presented at the 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computation al Intelligence, SSCI 2021 – Proceedings. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/SSCI50451.2021.9659862
The ICT Development Index (IDI): conceptual framework and methodology. International Telecommunication Union. URL: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/publications/mis2016/methodology.aspx (дата звернення: 10.11.2024).
Towards the capital markets. URL: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/capital-markets/capital-markets-vision-2025 (дата звернення: 10.11.2024).
Trusova N.V., Chkan I.A., Radchenko N.G., Yakusheva I.Y., Rubtsova N.N. Banking Innovations: Marketing Support in the Financial Market of Ukraine. Economic Alternatives. 2023. Vol. 2. Р 384-408.
Trusova N.V., Chkan I.O., Kondratska N.M., Zakharova N.Yu., Osypenko S.O. Cybersecurity of the Banking Sector in the Context of Digitalization of the World’s Economy. The Banking Law Journal. 2023. Vol. 140(9). P. 471-502.
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Міністерство цифрової трансформації України. URL: https://thedigital.gov.ua/ (дата звернення: 12.11.2024).
Національний банк України, «Е-гривня». URL: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/payments/e-hryvnia (дата звернення: 12.11.2024).
Українська асоціації ФінТех та інноваційних компаній (UAFIC). URL: https://fintechua.org/market-map (дата звернення: 12.11.2024).
Abramova A. (2021). The risk system of commercial banks in conditions of digitalization. Problems and prospects of management economics, no. 4(28), pp. 186-193.
Bahuguna A., Bisht R. K., Pande J. (2020) Country-level cybersecurity posture assessment: Study and analysis of practices. Information Security Journal, no. 29(5), pp. 250-266.
Bakalynskyi O. (2020). Model and methods for determining the design characteristics of information security management systems. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348788054 (accessed November 7, 2024).
Barr M. S., Harris A., Menand L., Xu W. (2020). Building the Payment System of the Future: How Central Banks Can Improve Payments to Enhance Financial Inclusion. Center on Finance, Law & Policy, vol. 1-28. Available at: https://financelawpolicy.umich.edu/sites/cflp/files/2021-07/cbotf-paper-3-future-payment-systems.pdf (accessed November 7, 2024).
Blockchain Success. (2022). Available at: https://www.ibm.com/topics/blockchain (accessed November 7, 2024).
Dadoukis A., Fiaschetti M., Fusi G. (2021). IT adoption and bank performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Economics Letters, no. 204.
Doran N. M., Bădîrcea R. M., Manta A. G. (2022). Digitization and financial performance of banking sectors facing Covid-19 challenges in central and eastern european countries. Electronics (switzerland), no. 11(21).
EIB issues its first ever digital bond on a public Blockchain. (2021). Available at: https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/2021-141-european-investment-bank-eib-issues-its-first-ever-digital-bond-on-a-public-blockchain.
FAQs on a digital euro. (2024). AVAILABLE AT: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/digital_euro/faqs/html/ecb.faq_digital_euro.en.html (accessed November 7, 2024).
Global Blockchain in finance sector. (2022). Available at: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3356502/global-blockchain-spending-to-hit-124b-by-2022-finance-sector-leads-growth.html (accessed November 7, 2024).
Global Network of Financial Innovations. (2021). National Bank of Ukraine. Available at: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-priyednavsya-do-globalnoyi-mereji-finansovih-innovatsiy (accessed November 10, 2024).
Huo P., Wang L. (2022). Digital economy and business investment efficiency: Inhibiting or facilitating? Research in International Business and Finance, no. 63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101797
ISA/IEC 62443. Available at: https://www.isa.org/standards-and-publications/isa-standards/search (accessed November 10, 2024).
ISO/IEC 27001. Available at: https://www.iso.org/isoiec-27001-information-security.html (accessed November 10, 2024).
Is Bitcoin “Digital Gold”? The Value of Bitcoin. Available at: https://www.moonpay.com/learn/bitcoin/bitcoin-digital-gold (accessed November 10, 2024).
Javed A., Lakoju M., Burnap P., Rana O. (2022). Security analytics for real-time for ecasting of cyber attacks. Software-Practice and Experience, no. 52(3), pp. 788-804.
Laitsou E., Kargas A., Varoutas D. (2020). Digital Competitiveness in the European Union Era: The Greek Case. Economies, no. 8(4).
Naderi E., Pazouki S., Asrari A. (2022). A remedial action scheme against false data injection cyber attack sin smart transmission systems: Application of thy ristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC). IEEE Transaction son Industrial Informatics, no. 18(4), pp. 2297-2309.
Roshan Y. E., Abdi Y. (2022). ICT and Information Asymmetry. New Evidence of the Financial System in Selected MENA Countries. Iranian Economic Review, no. 26(2), pp. 445-458.
Stanikzai A. Q., Shah M. A. (2021). Evaluation of cyber security threats in banking systems. Paper presented at the 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computation al Intelligence, SSCI 2021 – Proceedings. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/SSCI50451.2021.9659862
The ICT Development Index (IDI): conceptual framework and methodology. International Telecommunication Union. (2016). Available at: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/publications/mis2016/methodology.aspx (accessed November 10, 2024).
Towards the capital markets. (2020). Available at: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/capital-markets/capital-markets-vision-2025 (accessed November 10, 2024).
Trusova N. V., Chkan I. A., Radchenko N. G., Yakusheva I. Y., Rubtsova N. N. (2023). Banking Innovations: Marketing Support in the Financial Market of Ukraine. Economic Alternatives, no. 2, pp. 384-408. (in Ukrainian)
Trusova N. V., Chkan I. O., Kondratska N. M., Zakharova N. Yu., Osypenko S. O. (2023). Cybersecurity of the Banking Sector in the Context of Digitalization of the World’s Economy. The Banking Law Journal, no. 140(9), pp. 471-502. (in Ukrainian)
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Kondratska N. M. (2019). Financial and economic security of banking institutions: threats and ways to overcome them. Bulletin of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Management. Economic Sciences, no. 4, pp. 48-60. (in Ukrainian)
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National Bank of Ukraine, “E-hryvnia”. (2022). Available at: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/payments/e-hryvnia (accessed November 12, 2024).
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